you know how.. when you're at the age of innocence.. and you're brought up listening to the guitaring of jimi hendrix.. and then a band like maybe mcfly or something pops up on tv.. and then you're like.. damn they suck! they can't play a shit..they can't make good lyrics.. i can own their asses when im their age..
and then you reach that age.. and you want to take back whatever you said.. i'm kind of feeling that way a bit.. like.. im not APPLAUDING bands like.. click 5 or jonas brothers and stuff.. but i'd rather just respect them for trying.. but hating them for doing what they do.. but then again you never know if it's their fault. A band by the name of tide of spring.. (jack told me this).. apparently created emo.. but they had no intentions of doing so and hated them for it..
another example.. could be kurt cobain (in a far moer vague context) like eh took neil young's line in his suicide note , "it's better to bum out than to fade away".. coz he tot he was goign to create a string of shit.. (indirectly..) so i kind of respect some of em..coz i am able to accept the fact that they can play something.. but not somethingn of the best..
but does that make it like.. if i respect them.. i WORSHIP rock gods?
and some how.. i think my resolutions next year could be something around this outline..
- get physically better (grow bigger,be more fit,play good hockey) -get better in music theory (lyrical tinking wise, musicianship,composing) -STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!! - become socially inclusive in 324
and just one wish... i wish i dont get any teacher i detest to have.. (including mr arul as my pe teacher.. 9 FUCKING LAPS!!!)
Xx_Blogged at_xX
7:55 AM
Friday, November 28, 2008
what sums up my day; "I am joshua's bitch!"-keenan in public..
today had training..11-1.. dAmn hot.. and hardly any of us were in the mood to run coz all had match yesterday.. but omg.. i dunno how i had tt energy.. everybody run 6 or lesser i run 8.. lol.. and i can actually go on.. i think its coz of the water spray.. it woke me up..
but today i didnt do well for training.. damn disappointed.. and now every monday its freaking cross country training! tt means.. either 4.8 or doubkle.. 9.6 km.. tt sucks.. coz our traiing at delta clash with CGS on monday..
after training.. went to eat at burger king talk alot.. and i ate beef haha.. coz my whole family except my elder sis (vegetarian) eat beef.. so might as well fit in.. i took the double patty turkey bacon... keenan took triples.. the rest all took doubles i think except for ivan.. he took quad! hahaha.. then jack took a video..
Xx_Blogged at_xX
5:38 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
we had a match today.. so we were suppose to be there at 1.. but me being super canchiong.. i reached there at about 11 50.. plaeud hockey with ben at first.. then some sec 1s.. then finally sme b div ppl..
so we took the bus to UWC.. and during the journey we were all poking fun at sam.. saying he's going to eb the experiment for child sexual abuse and sex ed in MOE... and when we passed the MOE building.. their statue was some big hand holding a small boy.. and we all knew it was sam..haha.. PAEDO!
then.. joshua was telluing us keenan's adventure to the MRT.. saying that when joshua and coleman gave their seats to some eldery women.. they said that keebnan was their korean friend who deosnt know english.. then he staretd arguing with bryan and the old lady said.. "wah..he's learning english now"
so we played with em.. and my group of 5.. were samuel lim, coleman, zeng kai and jonathan.. so we played the 2nd half of the game against the a div team of UWC.. and t least we didnt let them score.. but omg.. there was this frking hot girl sitting next to us... i swear hottest i saw in UWC..
then nunis ask us play against the u 17 girls to get more experience.. so we played.. and omg i almost scored.. like we were in the D.. and then the ball was right there.. no body near it.. so i just took a reverse.. went along the ground .. going for goal and it just missed slightly.. but its not tt the girls aer good. its coz of the fucked up ref.. he said.. if there;s a 50 50 percent chance of foul.. then.. we'll give it to the girls.. coz if it is correctly played we might have won like 1-0.. lol, but hey.. we were using a bad team against them.. and they had all defenders in the team.. and then sam and i came in.. coz they had not strikers.
well,, i had alot of injuries afetr tt.. coz of their screwed up pitch..
Xx_Blogged at_xX
5:49 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
fuck man. i woke up late today for training. and i woke up at 10 instead of 5 30.. training is from 8-10.. i was freaKING PISSeed with myself. coz according to my sis.. i woke up at 5 30 and then went back to sleep at 5 40.. i didn't know i had the habit of sleepwalking.. and another way to blame this is my fuckign alarm. i put it as calm like a bomb by rage.. but instead.. my sis said it didnt ring as a song but some default ringtone.. fuck,.. i tink i'll just stick to interstate love song by stone temple pilots.. coz i always tot.. either wake up or calm like a bomb by rage would wake me up... im definately sure anyone would wake up if they heard calm like a bomb..
(slow bassline riff..) (whispers.."feel the funk blast repeatedly) (OH FEEL THE FUNK BLAST!!) (MORELLLO SCREECHING!!!!)
so i also feel damn bad coz i was suppose to meet jack art bedok mrt at 6 45.. fuckl lah.. i feel damn bad.... first time i ever overslept for hockey training.. why? coz i can't seem to sleep..
according to my mom.. if i cant sleep i should take a jog at the stadium like for like about 20 minutes continously.. i should be able to sleep.... but i always thought jogging helped me wake uP!
so.. i've made another person like the smashing pumpkins..hahaha!... so this is how it went.. my attempt.. was to convert jack... a fellow metalhead, and rock junky.. so since he liked rock.. i tot maybe.. ask him give a listen to siva from the album gish.. and he said he didnt like it tt much.. but found it quite interesting.... then.. i tot... a bit more mordern.. zero!! lol and he immediately liked it.. coz of the lyrics and harmonics... and also the myth in the video.
it;s such a good verse! but the songs from em' that stand out for me are stand inside your love from the machina:machines of god album and thirty three from mellon collie
the video is damn nice also.. and especially the lack of colour that makes you want to think its a dark and eerie thing.. like the whole machina album... all the songs are more or less metal except fro this oen and maybe the b side speed kills.... but the video is a tribute to an oscar wilde play by the name salome.. it's a tragedy written in 1891.. abotu some girl by the name of salome.. who's the stepdauyghter of some pro guy from the herod anitpas thingy.. and has to get the head of the jokanan (john the baptist) on a silver plate.. to her mother;s delight and to her father's dismay..
so in the video.. the maind character. slaome.. is corgan's girlfriend.. Yelena Yemchuk.. she also designed the cover of corgan's poetry collection later on..
and then this song.. thirty three.. is a freakin awesome song.. wirh a pretty video
the video was directed by yelena yemchuk and corgan.. and i have to say.. she got good taste in art.. like all the images and characters in the video are dammn nice.. like all the nymphs and aall
Xx_Blogged at_xX
9:31 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
i was watching grey's anatomy yesterday..(i don't usually watch it coz my mother thinks im 8 years old and shouldn't know what a vagina is ..or what a sperm is..-.-')
however.. i happened to be watching it..and yesterday's episode was pretty interesting..
the dude from family guy who voiced fro chris griffin, seth green was a guest appearance.. as some guy with a tumor on the neck i think.. and usually ppl dont survive it and somehow.. he just had this very fucked up artery that was bulging out.. and its very loose.. so if he move very agggressivley.. the artery might just pop.. and so he made friends with one of the female doctors.. and he kept saying stuff like she's very pretty but doesnt mean it in a rude manner coz he broke up with his gf.. and she asks.. if his gf broke up with him coz of the artery... and he said.. that it was just because he stopped being funny and couldnt make her laugh anymore.. and she knew it was just coz of an artery.
and the doctor went on to say her boyfriend was a nice guuy disguised as a jerk.. and he said his gf was a narcisistic girl disguised as a nice girl..
and thent ehre was another story. where an ambulance van or fire truck ( not sure) collapsde right infrotn of the hospital.. and then they got one of the pramedics out... and it happens that when the black woman doctor wanted to treat him..he said he wants a guy doctor.. and then a black guy doctor comes and he said.. no no.. i just want another... another doctor...and then he knows he; looking for a white doctor.. and when sandra oh.. (chinese doctor Lol) come an tries to treat him.he shows her this swastika on his stomach.. that was tatooed... and no he isnt a nazi.. he just didnt want to offend the black doctors..
and then in tt same ambulance van.. two guys ray and some other guy..shit i forgot his name.. were stuck anmd tt other guuy (let's call him chris) has his leg stabbed by something.. and he cant move if not he;ll die. or get paralysed.. and then he tells the doctor hee cant feel his legs and all.. and then he becomes real panicky.. and then the tw guys think tt if they gonna die..they gonna talk about the good times they had.. //and then chris asks the doctor to call his wife who works here.. and then she comes over and she is crying and all.. and then the doctor tells the black doctor that she doesnt know who his wife is even thogh she worked in the same hospital.. but now she;s only gonna remember her as the doctor who alamred her about her husband about to die ...
ut omg.. the ending scene for tt episode.. was just.. frking sudden.. u noe the doctor and tt guy with the artery.. yea.. so she found out that the docotr she liked has another bitch.. and then she gets pissed..and goes to the ward with the artery guy.. and the he says.. what happend u dont look too good.. ur cheeeks all red and all.. then she says that the guy disguised as jerk turned out to be a jerk.. and then the artyery guy said he has a real good idea to pplot revenge.. that she should go out with him.. and then he would start to ask.. well what is it that i dont have that that artery guy doesnt have.. and then she'll be like.. he has a damn cool artery..,.. and then they start laughing.. and laughing.. and then BOOM!!! the guy strained his artery too much and his artery popped and blood spurted out every where.. on the doctor's uniform, face.. and the epiosde ended.. sick..SICK!!! no idea wether he died.. i hope he doesnt. but im pretty sure he died..
Xx_Blogged at_xX
9:37 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
School's Out for summer...
yeah..that alice cooper song been ringing in my head like an annoying housefly.. like i love the song.. but i just dont wanna listen to it all day..
anyway..guys.. heads up.. according to mr zul.. next year got 11 new teachers at least.. who shall be the diamond in the rough.. to teach 324... (i have a bad feeling..arul might be our form teacher.. if he is.. every pe lesson is 3.6 km for me..)
quite a bit has happened after ace..
only 2 of us went jamming.. only dillon and i.. and unlike other timess..we covered more songs this time.. we covered (full songs).. like about 5 or 6.. in 1 hour.. biggest feeat ever..
and today.. we had training.. hockey training. And.. omg..warm up was crazily tiring!! even ryan singh admitted it.. sprint.. stride..sprint stride.. like i think 6 times.. across the whole pictch without stopping.. like sprint.your guts out..and immediatelt after tt got shuttle runs..oo and before tt we ran 3 laps.. (no gaps in between)
then we proceeded to drills.. and i have to say.. i lost alot of skill i had.. no more more enthusiasm and drive .. and i think im gonna put in some effort to go to school and train with keenan or something...
and then after tt..went lan go play cod 4 first with bryan,sam,keenan,coleman,ivan,azri,jack... then they went to go play i switched to fifa..azri soon joined me later after going to cs to dota..we there for 3 hrs..
then we went go have lunch.. haha but then i had this weird sudden urge to just slap coleman's face..
so i was thinking to slap or not..then bryan said..come on ah.. will be dammn funny.. so i mustered enough courage and slapped coleman on the right..and his reaction was priceless
so i did it on alot of ppl..and they passed it on.. but no one did it on me haha. oh yah and ivan finished a mega mac befoer any one of us could finish our nomal sized burgers..
then jack ;ost his phone.. we tried helping him find it..but to no avail.. damn sad.. gone..just like dt... then he asked us if we wanted to go his house.. and so his dad came.. fetched us (only me coleman azri) and his dad was quite a lad.. old sji tan classmate.. had an odd sense of humor.. haha.. he said ang moh would whack us if we say tampines the singapore way.. when it should be "tam-pines" instead of "tam-penis"...
so we went to his house,.,.and it was under rennovation..but it was really nice.. he had a remote for his toilet BOWL!
had 4 refridgerators..had a drum set and a fender squire.. and an apple laptop..had xbox 360 and PS3.. so we messed around with his drums and guitar..then we played guitar hero3.. first time platying.. and i sucked.. all play easy and only like high 80 low 90.. damn suck.. but it was addictive.. we were there until 6 50.. thenw ent back
and azri was telling me stuff.. coz i said shankkar was damn poser.. and eh said got worse posers..and they're in fact quite close to me.. i noe hu they are..but i dunn wanna say.. but it's what he said.. a girl could do so much to a guy.... the guy becomes all vain.. more aware..more.. err.. presentable? maybe? mayvbe not? quite bullshit ain't it?
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:40 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
ace camp and post ace camp..
ace camp was fun..but was irritating and just damn sian..xD but i think in the end we kind of learnt a lesson.. alot of us are pampered fucks..and if we were stranded in the wild..we can only masturbate for all we can to survive and drink ur own sperms..
my god..3rd day jungle survival.was quite joavan and dylan were in charge of water..and that one is actually quite easy..but the fire part is hell hard..shelter was easy also.
so in sequence...
day 1
we boarded the bus.. had to surrender phones and wallets...quite u junky ride for me coz they were singing their "SONGS"... and then we reached kluang.. we were like wtf?? so many flies..mosquitoes..ants.. and was like grass everywhere.. and we settled down in the mess hall,... where one black lizard fell on my tighs.. lol.. damn scary sia.. no tail some more.
so then we proceeded with our activities..and ours was the hardest one of all. gunong lembak.. some mountain in kluang.. i didnt climb a mountain before..and didnt know what to expect.. and at my own risk i used the sji track pants! like wth?? but i only had tt.. and my god.. it was tiring to go up.. and i was carrying the baja bags (if tts how u spell it ).. carrying 6 1.5 litre bottles.. until like a quarter of the mountain..then i handed it over to someone.. then reach halfway.. we rest quite long.. and dip our heads in the water spring there...and boy was it revitalising.. damn cold and nice..and there was one drinkable one..damn nice ..
then we continued... and then caught up with joavan jin yao and all.. so we were like the 2nd fastest batch.. with the 1st batch being indra the muscleman.. (he was an ex bodybuilder..frking sick) jerry and qin han.. they were damn fast.. so then we continue...and then caugh up wuith sudhirr..then joavan and yao al went up.. faster.. so then we reached the top.. and it was a damn good view! we were like on top of the clouds... then indra did a pose.. THE COBRA.. haha damn sick..
then we climb back down.. and it was not tiring at all but was risky..i fell like 2 or 3 times.. aravin felll like infinite times.. crazy.,.
and as expected my track pants was frking diirty...
then after dinner.. we went back to tents.. and the tents were quite big and nice.. then we went back to mess hall.. where got some show for us to watch..and it was some bodybuilding show.. quite retarded but entertaining.. like 5 ppl from 210 were there..
then we went back to tents to sleep..and of course..we being 210 stood up quite late..but got some tent.. i think 203.. MOG force.. they damn stupid.. they put their pe shirt on top of the bulb coz it didnt turn off for damn long..and guess what.. THE TENT WAS BURNING!,,hahah... damn joke..btw our ace leaders wwere quite alright..derek,keith,jeremy chitty and of course SEUNG JUN.. KOREAN POWER!!!
DAY 2 day 2 was more fun.. we had abseiling and purseeking and then canoeing.. so we went to the place.. and then the instructor was gerrard ..and he was brieifing us on hornet drills and how to wear the harness.. he damn funny sia.. he said if u tie the harness below ur balls.. u eat my cockhair.. and then he was tellin some story about a well in the campsite.and then he said he saw a head come out.. and then mr gergory was like behind him shwoing his head with his tongue sticking out.. my group went abseiling with mr gregory first.. haha.. i was damn shit sia.. coz i dont have much leg muscles.. my leg was shaking like some ghost spasm.. haha but i didnt feel like weak or anything..just tt my leg couldnt take it.. hahaha
thejn after that we did purseeking with gerrard..and he kept calling me tekka.. coz im indian..and he also call indians baia..which is actually referred for sikhs.. haha..he talk like dt i noe he from st pats already..and he kept asking us how many sisters we got..and how big their breasts are..and whether we got gf..the best was xiang rui..he kept showing some girls' pictures from his phone.. haha.. and said they were his mistresses..then come my turn..he ask me if i got gf.. then i said i too short..confirm cannot one now.. then he said look at me lah..i also short got so many mistresses..fuck here fuck there no body even care.. haha..then he ask me go look at cindy downstairs.. then he ask me wave at ehr i wave then she never look.. then he said..see she dont like u.. better stay away..i want to fuck her..i dont care.. lol./..weirdd..horny guy..
then day 2... night activity was talent time..and the wionner was some sick contortionist.. from 207..frking sick.. he can wedgie himself.. he can do damn weird shit.. and mr soo was damn funny.. he was like simon cowell..haha and mr gregory also.. putting weird signs
day 3..
we had to do jungle survival and orineteering.. to me i found this quite boring.. so moving on to night activity.. we had campfire..and one part when i was setting the mat out.. then everyone in front like damn scared like dt..i turn behind.. FUCK A FUCKING HORSE WAS RIGHT id dint even noe i was standing right next to one.. and they are fucking huge!!then after tt our cheer we got 3rd..and tahir was telling us a story about arul..damn funy.. was like in their army days.. and he said he saw arul naked..and he got small dick..hahah
so day 4
we did rafting aNd river crossing.. river crossing was fun..but in shit water.. and coz we came late we had to run one round... but our group came last coz of dylan soo..he climbed on top of the rope instead of bottom.. then they said for forfiet.. but later on.. then we did rafting..and we learnt different knots n stuff.. and we only had 4 barrels..and some pipes..and hell lot of rope.. so our group took some time.. and we made a decent raft.. aravin 's group went first and surprisingly they were floatred but at the end they capsize.. ours was ownage nick and nat hopped on.. and we paddled like for super long and we never capsize...but mny life jacket had like super lot of ants..frking irritating.. we even beat the scouts raft..
so we went back and then...
i was very very disappointed with my posting.. coz i think i deserved a better class.. i gto posted into 324.. but i had the humanities i wanted..full lit elect hist. but prob is.. jin yao who got worse than me for math fye..i is in 323 and he got 65 percent overall also.. i dunno how the fuck they post us.. but at least my class is quite ownage for now.. got aravin,ahmad,dillon,arvinth,hassanal..but got 2 ppl i already hate.. sulaiman and shankarr.. heck with it.. 324.. may sound like shit in paper..but i thinkwe will own..
Xx_Blogged at_xX
9:00 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
wow.. the 200th barren post..
tmrw got ace camp. im actually quite excited..unbelievably..
my bags are packed and i'm ready to go.. ( not leaving on a jetplane) leaving on some bus.. and what the hell,,,no mom said screw them..bring handphone in case of emergency...
but i just want it so i can sleep in peace.. with some music.
i finally found an interest in another grunge band ; hole .. they're pretty good.. and i actually think kurt and coutrney were like the best couple or something.. coz both of em are really really really alike.. so i dont know who killed kurt or wether he kiled himself..but one thing i know.. kurt loved courtney.. and so did courtney.. so screw those who keep saying" FUCK courtney..she killed cobain" on every hole video on youtube.. it screws everything..
hole is really good.. especially the song s"mono"..celebrity skin..malibu..beatiful son and im dArn sure there are many other good ones too..
and just after our camp..we go back to school and posting results are there.. i hope i get my "sensible wish" to go to 323,322 or 321..(i think getting an a2 in science in SJi is not a good thing.. i think muyst ghet like 78 or something to go triple.. so triple's out of the question) and i want full lit no matter what./. i dont mind giving up history elect.. coz geog is okay lah..but im more consistent in history.
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:08 AM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Shallow mind seem to thrive more often these days..
i have no scientific idea.. but in my might just be the case. Nowadays.. girls often go for "Beng" looking people (sorry if i've offended anyone out there..)
e.g. (if u cant react to criticsms..then fuck off..this not for you to hear)
i don't like to point out names.. so ill just mention that there's this guy in SJI.. in my tamil class... damn ah beng hair.. like some sort of tamil tiger recruit or something.. wear skinny jeans (btw.. in my opinion i think skinny jeans don't go with guys..make them look homosexual, disproportionate and downgrading..and not to mention submissive to peer pressure and "trends" and also not opinionative.. ( if there's such a word)) and pierced his ear (this isn't wrong in my books... coz 2 of my brothers pierced their ears but they aren't at the very least beng at all)just that the reason he;s doing to get shallow cool (act cool) and his hair.. yea..
in that appearance...what can u immediately infer?
he's a shallow guy..doesnt have his own opinion..not being himself.. just being a "show off" and has the intention of "i wanna score some chicks..that's why im doing this" ..doesnt have any depth..coz he thinks his appearance will do the talking...
WRONG! in my opinion :D but nowadays ..girls seem to react to these "COOL SHIT"... why? why females so ... err... so not like how the old fashioned girls are? "wow.. he speaks so well! he's so true in his appearance and the way he speaks.. he has such and awesome personality and he's relatively good looking.. such a gentleman"
where are those good old fashion thinking and opinions?
If there's such a girl who's relatively hot, out there.. i have to say one thing.. you are the more ideal girl in singapore (Probably) ...
so far i havnt met one.. that guy i was talking ABOUT.. he has so many girlfriends ..he dumps them like his udnerwear or something.. he has this impression that he's a "Cassanova"...
what can i say.. you're not even a better man than Quagmire.. at least he doesnt dress himself up like someone he isnt..
NEVERtheless.. there're always the guys who are at fault. (not sarcasm)... there are so many guys in SJI itself.. that think..omg..she damn hot.. fuck her now.. i wanna be her bf.. (i have to admit i was one.. and am one.. but..i dont do part3 or think of part 3.. i wanna be her bf..)
NO NO NONON.. if you even start to think of're so damn vulnerable to.. being a shallow dickhead... its better to be dumped coz ur too mature for the girl rather than too shallow for her.. it goes to show u derserve someone better! :D
that feeling of.. she damnhot.. wanna fuck her now.. for probably damn short term.. but if its like long term..and u dont even think of her personality and stuff..u become vulnerable to having that desire to be her bf..and that leads u to being a shallow dickhead.
so boys..and girls.. if u wanna thrive in relationships,,be a shallow dickhead.. but if u wanna thrive in long term relationships.. think of billy bob and angelina jjolie.. billy bob is so damn old..angelina jolie is probably matured, ..definatley hot.. babe.. and think of how they got together.. (neglecting the fact that they split after tt..but angeina jolie still said she doesnt regret tatooing billy's name on her arm) u decide.. short term..or long term ;P
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:28 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
haha one day of practicing that rock and roll by led zeppelin drum fill at the end..finally payed off! ii finalyl pulled it off.. probably the first big "mini" drum solo i can pull off! xD!
we jammed.. not with sashi though.. he was last resort was josh.. who didnt really learn the songs but knew some of em'... good enuff for us, amateurs..;P .. so we started off with living loving maid..and well i have to say reuben cooperated quite well! better than usual that is!! SO we finally managed to do living loving maid! with the solo! (we had l;ike more than 5 takes! hahah) so then we did cherub rock i think.. the vocasl was quite messed up coz.. the guitar and drums were already damn loud..but heck we just continued.. then rock & roll i think.. we did that without the solo (FYI.. the solo is shit hard) we did some songs..befoer tt..but not complete.. we did like..errr.. dani california, smells like teen spirit and we did like a few of dillon's songs.. just bits and pieces and oh yah we did murdereers by frusciante completley (its an instrumental)
quite fun actually..
Xx_Blogged at_xX
8:17 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
HAving a sense of humour is the best thing anyone can get!
have you ever thought.. that maybe you have to make an "EXTRA" effort to get to know someone? like not like "be yourself"..."come as you are" kind of relation..but to go the extra mile.. to change yourself a bit.. to adjust and increase your tolerance level a bit.. to get to know..let's say.. you're angry, easily annoyed, petty neighbout.. (kind of like how stewie describes a widow livin in semi D apartment.. guy in top deck sneezes.. widow in bottom deck knocks broom on ceiling yelling.. "HEY QUIET DOWN THERE!")
so in other words.. treating your "approach" as an experiment... kind of like speed date haha.. like appear like he says.. (in an annoying snobbish peevey british accent.. "my god..those bloody shaggy haired dolls in ramones cant play shit for pennies! they deserve to get a grill on that new toaster is saw on that commercial off the Martha Stewart show" and in your head you're thiking like.. ooohh kkay... the ramones.. my favourite band.. he dont like em.. i hate him.. but instead, you say oh i see...and u go on to something else like it didnt matter your neighbour you wanted to get to know.hates the band you think is the "bestest" thing the university ever gave permission to play shit..
so is that really the right thing to do? to just let em' walk you over.. and then u judge.. ?
btw..i dunno how my brother meets so many famoous people right in this little red dot.. amazingly he just met russel peters! like omg.. russel peters.. and it wasnt the first time. Cool eh? haha and he also met alan johnson once like 2 weeks ago.. DRUNK!!!hahah
like..sometimes alan johnson is alreAdy kind of weird and "JUMPY" even when he's dt time when we were rehearsing for teachers' day.. he started taking ping pong balls and threw it at his bass amp.. weird right? imagine if he's drunk and he starts dancing half naked around the bar hahaha..
u noe if i could really be someone.. i think i decided that i'd choose to be seth macfarlane..and i think its true that laughter is the best medicine.. (only if u are really funny.. not like robin williams in that excerpt from family guy.. [robin williams take a toilet paper.. eh haha im peter pan.. off to never land im so funny im not half a man.. and then some dying kid in the hospital says.. please stop im dying.. and he says no idiot..u laugh at my jokes. hahaha.. and then the kis takes off his respirator and kills himself hahah!])
and so yeah its the best medicine.. coz i cant imagine my life without humour! without family guy.. wow.. i wouldn't be indian.. haha.. nvm i dont get it too..xP like everyday making urself laugh and others laugh and u get that im funny.. people like funny people.. and when people like funny people.. they wanna do funny people ;) nah just kidding.. people like funny people.. and people like me like hanging around people.. so isnt being a funny person like the best gift ever?
kumarr signing off..
be kind rewind.. watch your family guy..take some drugs and try..and then you're free to die ;D
btw.. a joke i found off some xanga site through nevin's ....
HOW TO CALL THE POLICE ..... this works especially well in the UK
George Phillips of Marsh Green, Wigan was going up to bed when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window.
George opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things. He phoned the police, who asked 'Is someone in your house?' and he said 'no'. Then they said that all patrols were busy, and that he should simply lock his door and an officer would be along when available. George said, 'Okay,' hung up, counted to 30, and phoned the police again..
'Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I've just shot them.' Then he hung up.
Within five minutes three police cars, an Armed Response Unit, and an ambulance showed up at the Phillips' residence and caught the burglars red-handed.
One of the Policemen said to George: 'I thought you said that you'd shot them!' George said, 'I thought you said there was nobody available!'
Xx_Blogged at_xX
10:01 AM
Last night
last night..was kind of like shortest night i ever had so far in the holidays. I slept my about 2 am. (usually i go to bed at 2 but kick around until i sleep at like 5 or 4..sometimes later ..eeek) i need to start taking care of my eyes.. i swear, i think my eyebags are more obvious now coz i got dark skin right? so hard to see..but unusually now quite evident mom said my eyes getting swollen.. like starting to redden..
wow. I really underestimated the importance of sleep. Should have listened to what everyone said to me..
"you're a nocturnal retard"
"you got insomnia!"
"You're gonna be blind like a bat!"
not so constructive eh? but well..its not important to know what's wrong with you.but instead know what the fuck to do to amend this shit of a mess..
poblem is..i dont have INSOMNIA! IM NOT A NOCTURNAL RETARD..and NO IM NOT A MUTATED BAT CUM least if i were any of those..there would be medication that'd cure the situation.. but now that im actualy normal.. i dunno what to do...
anyway.. the story about how a man who only had this easy job of loading and unloading frozen food into this big gigantic freezer room.. had a fear of one day getting locked up there and freezing to death. and then one day that he got locked in and he go so scared.he died.. but police said that the freezer wasn't even on..and psychologists concluded its coz of his mindset; that he died..
so is it really all in the head? guy owns..if u guys havnt watched it and u like slapstick adult cartoons.. go to using mozilla and watch season 5 first.. best season to me!
and im gonna jam tmrw, with dillon on lead guitar,reuben is coming back as rhytm (he better be serious..) and then hasss cant make sashis coming in for us. if all goes well, we're gonna finish about at least 3 songs..
rock & roll by led zeppelin Living loving maid by led zeppelin Ethiopian song/hands by ATAXIA (john frusciante band)
and if all goes too well xD
we'll try
cherub rock by smashing pumpkins and maybe day tripper by beatles
Xx_Blogged at_xX
2:43 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
pay it forward
in PSLTC.. we watched pay it forward on day 1.. for reflection. and it was cool how just like the pay it forward theory.. where. 1 person helps three people..and that three people help another three people.. and it keeps going..and the ratio between PSL and non PSL in our sec 2 level is 1:3 ... interesting..
and i just have to was an awesome movie..that brought out a really good message.. how such a young boy in school could make such a difference in the world in a mere social studies project
Pay it Forward trailer
-Like some other kids, 12-year-old Trevor McKinney believed in the goodness of human nature. Like many other kids, he planned to change the world for the better. Unlike most other kids, he succeeded.
- three imperfect people. one perfect idea
-When someone does you a big favor, don't pay it back … Pay It Forward.
SPOILER WARNING! at the end.. (VERY VERY VERY SAD ENDING.. almost cried..i would have if it was in the cinemas) haley joel osment's character dies!!! like wtf?? so sad. . Trevor has come to the defense of a friend who is being attacked by bullies, and is trying to fight them off, although they are older and bigger. As Eugene and Arlene run down to stop the fight, the main bully who is a gangster-like boy impulsively pulls out a knife. Trevor is pushed onto the boy with the knife and is thus inadvertently stabbed in the abdomen. Trevor is rushed to hospital, where he dies from the stabbing.
Terribly distraught, Arlene and Eugene are later watching a television news report about "pay it forward" and Trevor's death, and learn that the movement has grown nationwide. Venturing outside, they see hundreds of people gathering in a vigil to pay their respects to Trevor, with yet more people arriving in a stream of vehicles visible in the distance as the movie ends.
Xx_Blogged at_xX
3:02 AM
what comes into your mind..when that "deep" and symbolic word flashes in your mind..
a mirrror that reflects your future? your past? your previour birth?
an omen?
just plain bullshit?
just wet? xD
it seems like number one could apply to some.. like i was watching some show. and it mentioned about a young boy who had dreams about this middle aged man killing some teenager. And one day he sees that man and he tells that man that he saw him in his dream killing someone (he's only 8 and is still unsure) and that guy looks at him.. and suddenly he feels afraid and he starts getting cold sweat everywhere... and in his wallet was some really old black and white picture of a boy who looked exactly like the 8 year old.
What's yor take on the plot?
my opinion: the man killed an older version of the 8 year old .. a previous birth of him..some time ago and this boy is now getting these dreams as he was the next birth of him.. who knows? the teenager's death date could be exactly the same as the birthdate of the 8 year old... scary eh?
if u believe in reincarnation.. well, i dunno how..but i would really want to know what kind of person i was in my previous birth.
and if u believe in Karma..u probably have to do something really good in this birth to get a good life in your next birth..
so my best wishes to everyone to get good karma!
Xx_Blogged at_xX
2:54 AM
Man, i know it hAs to be good
Ataxia - the ethiopian song a.k.a Hands (a john frusciante band)
i swear.. john frusciante is the shit. From rhcp to solo.. like wow. U should check out his solo stuff also..
past recedes by john frusciante
like they one does a solo like frusciante..not fast not technical but so it came right from JESUS!
Xx_Blogged at_xX
2:45 AM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Avenge me? Avenge plea?
so many things have been going around in the world.. and it was especially evident in PSLTC when..the frater group did their showtime.. lol.. they had like Anwar, Mas slemat, ERP man and of course "busty" china woman (melamine).. and of course.. melvyn's lame joke.. singapore got maggie mee.. then malaysia got what mee?
answer: solemney!
haha. stupid but funny. BUt as the world is becoming a shit hole.. some ppl plotted to kill obama? i didnt know too..until i saw some guy's status in facebook.. like wtf? but i still have no idea what the motive is.. Racism? or maybe they think Obama might be Osama. weeeird.. just like how mick jagger was suppose to die.. as the hell's angels harley davison group plotted.. but their plan was super fail..
but of course.. my deepest condolences goes to jennifer hudson. Like..who would think that'd happen to her? and they even think it could be her ex convicted brother. I have no idea how a family member could come to think of doing that. a poor innoncent 7 year old boy. a really supportive mother.. now as good as coffin toast.
Xx_Blogged at_xX
10:21 AM
I had a plush. Did you?
have u ever tought. that maybe, you are this only and lonley character in this world. And that everyone else around you..are just characters of a play and they simply..revolve around you. Like as if..they were aliens who could actually survive without food,water, pretty scary isn't it. And maybe when you're asleep.. they are all gathered up in some stuffy room.. conspiring in their alien language, what to do.. and god.. is simply, the director of this fancy play. and your mother, the producer?
But just imagine.. all that ocstracizing.. all that fake love and hate.. all that false feelings. All that ploy an crap. And what's worse.. is the very painful thing of thinking of that possibility. Like cobain interpreted.. i think im dumb, or maybe just happy? and it does make a hell load of sense. As simple as how in ww2 or ww1.. wwhere if you actually knew too much.. you had to be captured and kept captive in the concentration camps.. just like those who thought the nazis were just malicious beasts of the universe.... and the more you try to revolt against them..the more you are "marked" and kept watched upon. And when they do capture you... you're as good as dead. Family, shelter, love, friends.. are just as good as dust to you. and just as good as gone. Your lie becomes a hell hole.. witH only the possibility of you thinking that "god isn't fair".. that "god isn't there" . And your atheist believes lead you to be absolute pessmists.. Such that you see no light in everything..until that very day you get your wish; to die and be free of all these horrendous scourges of the universe.. so..if they do say; to survive in this geoid.. is to outwit. Do take it indirectly.. rather than literally.. to outiwt..means to act dumb and play along. .if you want to sruvive..not to be a "saviour".. to be a survivor.. is not to be a saviour. I actually happened to think of that when i was like around.. 6 or 7 years old. because of the simple theory; my mom doesnt tell me where babies come dad doesn't let me use his shaver. They must be conspiring something against me. Like the shaver could be a "cryptex" or whatever... to the codes of this ploy of a universe.. and if i found where babies come from.. maybe they came from some fancy machine of slime..
weird.. but well..isn't there a show about it? the truman show. Gosh.. that movie really answered all my questions;that what i've been thiking just plain bullshit!
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:46 AM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
wow. past 3 days were just.. awesome fun and meaningful. PSLTC.. unliike how i expected, was extremely enjoyable and one that was very brotherly and it also makes u think alot..on who u represent. as a whole.
we started off.. with out groups. All our groups were like.. named after the word "brother" in diff languages. Mine was "FRE`RE" which is brother in french. When i looked at the list.. i was like.. wow.. only 2 people whom i know and have spent time with before.. bryan lum and jen u. and the others were like.. bryan low,qing ke (judo captain),dhanaraj,russel,zhi wei and justin... i've seen justin,zhi wei and qing ke around before and very little of bryan low.. and had never seen russel before.
Startled at first i was.. but as the day began in LT1.. singing songs.. and doing energizers.. talks.. such as the one by sydney tan,bro mike and also a former sji boy, now lassalian trainer..kenny wong. and also, the sesssions.. where i got to know bryan low a bit more.. coz i paired with him. i found he was quite a joy to have in the group and so.. i thought.. hey maybe this group aint tt bad after all... and yes they did prove me wrong.. those 3 days felt like as if i knew them for ages..
we did quite well i think. Despite the "underdogs" or whatever.. we won the team games.. but hey not all of us are athletes eh.. how'd we win? teamwork of course.. and also many others that are branches of communication, taking risks, being a guidance.. encouraging..coordination.. stuff like that.
show time was definately awesome. super funny..laughed my ass off till wanna cry. We were up first.. and we didnt know the risk risk risk.. ours was a skit on integrity..and so we decided to do a story on 2 friends.. blum (bryan lum) and henry (me) who are of course..childhood close friends.. they danceed together..played games together..played hide and seek together and ogled at girls together.. (jen u was the girl) lol.. then we made an oath that we would be men of integrity whenever one of us is in need.. so 20 years later.. blum gets a date..his first date. (jen u the girl again..jennifer..haha) and then blum gets damn happy.. but then henry calls him from petro banca haha and then he says he stuck there with no passport and money and is fully drunk..and is still drinking.. and then blum is in a dillema.. but then after some contemplation ..he decides to keep true to his oath.. and cancels the date. then he gets a cab.. and who else could be your driver..other than bishan gay! (played by dhanaraj..he played it quite well) so then blum gets scared.. but he decides his friend is more important. so they went on their way and ooops.. customs! (played by justin ..while the guards played by russel and zhi wei) and blum realises he lost his passport.. and as the custom peeps decide to take some action.. blum tell bishan gay.. can do me one favour? u help me get through these peeps and i give u something? (gives a wink) .. so bg drives through as the customs all kenna tekkan and then sees henry..and brings him in the cab.. and then the driver is like.. i tot u said u gonna give me.. (winks) i tot u man of integrity? and ends
other skits were more funnier than ours by far tough
so finally got the shirt! woots.. and our cheer came in 3rd.. not so bad lah..we didnt even do any actions..
Xx_Blogged at_xX
2:53 AM
Read till you rot! just kidding :P:)
About Me
Kumarr,born in 9 may 1994 SJI.Hockey.Drummer.
Wicked Tunes;
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\PSl is fun, prefects are dumb..and i love making lameass puns!. :)