Down the street you can hear her scream "you're a disgrace"as she slams the door in his drunken face,and now he stands outside and all the neighbours start to gossip and drool"-castles made of sand by jimi hendrix
Castles Made of Sand
today (only 3 hours have passed).. was CRAZY! honestly. i was sleeping..and i could still remember my dream..because i always pop in my earphones wenever im asleep..coz its quite interesting how the last song you listen to could spark and interesting dream..
and in fact..the last song i was listening to was the man who sold the world by nirvana. and coincidentally i had a dream...about saturday.. and i was coming back in a bus and then..there was this big announcement.. that everyone could hear and the dude in the speaker was sayig.. 15 seconds to live..and all of a sudden..everyone started rushing to their homes..and i did the same..and then somehow i ended up in a train..and in the train...the guy said.. "your lives are on hold" and a giant drawer opened.and from it water was seeping out slowly..and in the background..the man who sold the world was playing.. and when it came to the part before the instrumental .."you're face to face..with the man who sold the world" everyone started screaming and then i woke up..and could rmbr at the moment before waking up..i was like.."shit sunday the only day i can jam..i havnt met the japanese rock why die now?",,haha..and then i woke up..and i swear i was so relieved that it wasnt true.
like 5 minutes after tt..i heard some guy shouting at the door "HELLO! HELLO! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!".. i swear i thought it was some loan shark...then everyone else woke up..and my bro opened the door.and the guy was like.. your brother..ssaid 02-180..he's drunk in my taxi.. then my mom was like.. " son's at work..he went there at 8 already"...then we were quite suspicious..then the guy was like..oh sorry.sorry.. my mom called his phone..but he didnt reply..then my elder bro wentdown to check..and we saw from the window.. a hand with the tattoo"artese" was there.. then e already new it was our eldest bro..i heart was beating like mad.. so my bro brought him up and my eldest bro was fucking wasted.. he couldn't even walk on hiw own two legs! frking tipsy..and apparently he was at some bar anniversary. and somehow.. he was at jalan bahar police station..and we have no idea why.. and we cant question him coz he's like frking wasted..he left his bag and everythin in an earlier cab..
my god..after that i still couldn't believe i had the heart to go to the gym.. haha eventually my sis and i didnt go..coz we were like the only secondary school students! looked damn so small..everyone so big.. its like u feel everyone's looking at we didnt go
"And castles made of sand, melt in the sea eventually.."-jimi hendrix
Xx_Blogged at_xX
8:46 PM
"you were looking for a day in a life that never came, so don't tell me that I've got to take a number, cause I've been to that doctor and believe me that's a bummer"-fight like a brave by the red hot chili peppers
so the homework list for this not overly long weekend is..
-physics assigment 4 -physics exercise 4 -chemistry assignment 2.1 -E math graph exercise -tamil workbook (pg 20-25) -tamil newspaper article review/summary -read the 1st story on some tamil book thingy
so far i've not completed any..started on physics assignment 4 a bit.. and i have to finish everything by saturday (tmrw) if nto i cant jam on sunday. sigh.
anyway.. i'm quite concerned for my humanities, because i just realised my lit isn't as good as i thought it would be. It struck me when mrs ang told me i was basically retelling the story of midsummer when i concluded that egeus was insensitive to his daughter's thoughts, rigid and had a lack of good judgment which was due to the pride he had..because he had to protect his reputation.. but then do i get an A without retelling the story. And i always thought it was so easy to simply dig and delve into the play. Actually i can ask my aunt for help since she used to be a damn good lit student from acjc and used to teach midsummer in st gabs. she even directed a play in tt school..and the play was given a very overwhelming response.
so i think im gonna spend this weekend.. really improving on my literature. and speaking of humanities.. im quite concerned about elective history coz mr joseph wong hasn't given us any excercised to do i dunno where i far..the only thing i know we are tested on is about the treaty of versailles which i;ve already forgotten. all i know is that its something about it being relatively harsh to the german as the united states saw it..and when we do an essay on it..we should see from the US's view coz they were impartial in ww1. and somethign to do with alot of money they had to pay in debt, cause of the damage germany caused. As for social studies.. mr tan too yong is quite alright.. like we went through the basics on what is a nation,country,sovereignty,state and stuff.. and governance..and dictators like ferdinand marcos and stuff.. and nepotism.. and the cases are quite interesting.. i cant rmbr how u spell his name..was it sukrato? of indonesia.. yah.. he's really damn what..
but still..ferdinand marcos is really dictatorial.. when i saw the picture mr tan showed us..he looked very smart, and people centered.. but of can be deceiving.. so philippines was like in a damn bad state already.wtih poverty on the rise and stuff.. then there was this guy against marcos nicknamed aquino.. and there was a point when it was so dangerous..marcos was after aquino.. so aquino was exiled for 3 years i think to the states or something.. there was something about some people killing alot of others in some place..and aquino was among those people..(not the killing people) and an assasin shot him i think.. and in the papers marcos said the military killed the assasin in the mess.. and everyone knew it was a cover up.. so they revolted then marcos fled to the states.. then they found like tons of designer lingerie.. 2000 designer shoes and tons of pornographic dvds ..everyone dying of poverty and he's there ..wanking away.. sigh...
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:22 AM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"today, is the greatest day i have ever known..can't live till tomorrow, tomorrow's much too long..i burn my eyes out..before i get outttttt..."-today by smashing pumpkins
finally a recount.. even im relieved! btw.. the title above has nothing to with how i felt today.. (the irony of "today" (the song) is that.. today is the greatest day i've ever known..coz it cant get any smart of billy corgan..)
the day.."today" was kinky.. haha nah just kidding.. if only hass would upload that video of dillon's annoying gasp.. and joshua's coniving "omg..chio bu!" face..
today was particularly quite slack..despite the fact we had 2 tests.. english essay (descriptive) on malcolm park..i don't think i did so well..miss chia told us to write only btwn 300-500 words.. so my essay was 447 words long..but i dont think ill score well.. i dont think ill even reach 20/30.. like.. my first paragraph.. was on introduction to my job as a grass cutter in the park.. and the atmospheere is joyous and everything.. and then i hear children laughing.and it makes me feel nostalgic about how i used to be a child aged 5.. running aroudn the park..without any cause or reason to worry.. coz i had nothing in my hands.. but now i am a grass cutter..returning here after 20 long years.. but i still find the peace everlasting in the place..
then second pragraph..was i think on the scent of the flowers.. (mainly chempaku.. there is no chempaku in malcolm park though) and said.. and the irony.. that people are actually damn afraid of chempaku symbolizes the dawn of the malay myth "pontianak".. however.. the park's instant recognition was the abundant amoutn of chempaku.. blah blah blah..
then third was on.. some monkey above some tree throwing stuff at me.. while i was grass cutting.. i was angry and shocked at first.. but as it sticked out its tongue and teased me.. i chuckled to myself..blah blah blah..
then fourth.. was on ths case of a female sandal i found.. and decided to investiagate..and searched from bush to shurb..and found a couple making out. they were alarmed blah blah... and the children behind were like.."wtf?" then i ended off with,," thiking of all these.. i could not help but conclude.. this place has not changed a bit."
sigh.. so..dont expect so many marks.. so wth.. i guess i cantget A for english this term. tamil test i think went quite well..i finshed damn fast..and alot of other people didnt even finsih the test. but as usual anything can happen..if i flunk it.. i wont be shocked..
had hockey jersey thingy number 16! quite happy.. 16 is nice. keenan got stuck wiht my supposed to be number 12..
first match is against RI.. so.. WAR!!
Xx_Blogged at_xX
6:50 AM
"Yeah, no one likes a smartarse but we all like stars, that wasn't my intention, I did it for a reason, it must have got mixed up, strangled, beaten up, I got myxomatosis,I got myxomatosis"-Myxamatosis (judge,jury and executioner) by radiohead
such a funy title right? i dont even know what it means.. but i think it fits my situation. failed chem and a math class test.. feel damn down already..and what makes it worse is the fact that i cant seem to get the answers for half of the polynomial identities excercise....and i dunno..i just dont feel like doing physics assignment 3.. i looked at the first 2 questions and im how the fuck are you supposed to do? you know the kind of procrastination kind of feeling.. but it isnt really procrastination? least im done with everything else.
i feel deprived for some reason. like a hungry african child.. yearning for something.. but i cant seem to figure out what it is im yearning for. like its something to do with lust.. not love, not porn. (xD) im serious..i just dunno. like that feeling of something missing in you.. like you're this big jigsaw puzzle..and there's this tiny piece missing..and you cant seem to find it.. and you probably will never find it. must be the damage all that psychadellic music inflicted in me. (yes especially jimi hendrix.. third stone from the sun is freaking psychadellic!)
my bro was reading watchmen today and he finsihed it.. he said he foudn the ending retraded..i was 26 year old saying its retarded? i mean..its an awesome ending!@!@ he said he finds it really really why kill rosharch and why is it ozymandias has to kill half of new york to prevent a war.. and i reasoned it out..with whatever a watchmen fan would say.. rorschach is one who sticks to his policies.. he is a very constant person.. u how he must do things the right way.. his own rendition of right.. and dr manhattan has his code of conduct too.. and ozy doesi it.. coz he's not like them at all.. like some super naiive dude.. almost like a robot.. absolute mistakes..
and then i pondered to myself.. is it perfection we huimans want?
like.. is really why we enhance our technology and stuff.. like isnt being human synonymous to imperfect beings.. thats why we feel jealous,happy,angry,lust.. thats why we feel.. right? but at the same time.. everything needs a balance i guess.. so if i was an 8 year old reading watchmen.. i would say i would so wanna be ozymandias..and would probably keep saying in my head,"wouldn't it be nice if the whole world was ozymandias?" but now im like.. "wouldn't the whole world be a shit hole if everyone was ozymandias?"... andim sure ..10 years down the road something else wouild ring in my head.. ozymandias is really a fucking robot.. 12 times human intelligence, isnt what we want.. it makes us less human than we really are , right? and in a world like this.. in a place like a school.. being smart isnt a curse after all.. despite the fact you pose as a threat to many. but why doesnt anyone react? someone so smart.. so smart that he cannot be spoken of as a human? people give him nicknames.. and one of em is "OZYMANDIAS!"
"I dont mind being the smartest man in the world, i just wish it wasn't this one"-ozymandias
Xx_Blogged at_xX
6:17 AM
Monday, January 26, 2009
"We should be grateful to the gods, whoever they’re real to they are, I value my placement as in hell, remember that moment that I fell"-Central by John Frusciante Religion? lose it or keep it? mask it or delude urself?
honestly, what is religion? people have all these diverse hinduism,christianity,buddhism,muslim.. but dont they all have something in common? how they all require us having some faith in em? right?
like religion is a mask to hope.. how they are just the different ways differnt people can pull through their lives.. like how some who dont have a religion cant cope when they encounter a loss..and their gods are there to pull them through it.. like a sense of optimism,
so in my opinion, hope is synonymous to religion..just that hope comes in different forms to cater to different people.
Xx_Blogged at_xX
8:55 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
"buy gifts, don't steal, don't lift, twenty years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift"-subterranean homesick blues by bob dylan Coincidence?
was it pure luck? on chinese new year itself?
mom was making lunch..(chinese lunch) and then i said " could i have instant noodles? coz i skipped dinner yesterday (cause i hibernated)..then she said ahh whatever. then she was cooking and (obviously instant noodles takes only like 2 mins) suddenly the gas went off... then she was like "omg.! we might not have gas today because its cny..meaning the gas peeps might be on holiday or something"..thankfully that instant noodles was already ready.. coincidence?
moral of the story: always act on basic instinct... if you're hungry..don't its alright i can hang on a bit longer..
the continuation? the gas people weren't on holiday..hahaha gas fixed already..oh shit..i think my mom burnt something.. i swear i smell something!
Xx_Blogged at_xX
11:20 PM
"frusciante sits on his throne and watches over us delinquents like jesus as he is"-suraendher kumarr on the empyrean 01:21
Anecdote from the empyrean
finding clarity from confusion searching for answers through the trees of ignition looking for fathers at the end of an initiate laid a lamb of god a god that sailed its hate on a river it fought sensing the end the emmpyrean laid its hands and washed and fanned but treasuered the times of sand
conclusion: the journey be not spoken of, the end be disposed to and from
the anecdote above was basically a reflection after listening to majority of john frusciante's new album, the empyrean.. he described it as a concept album on his quest to find clarity but at the end he finds that he treasured the journey more than he treasured the end result.. because opposites were mandatory in life, therfore one cannot obtain clarity from confusion.
insightful isnt it? thanks to dillon for telling me about its release.. (actually released a week ago) suggest anyone who likes artistic music.. (if u like pink floyd..give the song before the beginnning a listen)
and is it just me.. or is john frusciante becoming a hell load like a god. first, he looks like jesus, second, he has started on writing concept albums, that weight alot in spirituality.
Xx_Blogged at_xX
8:48 AM
the curious case of the curious case of Benjamin button
"I'm not like them, but i can pretend, the sun is gone, but i have a light,the day is gone, but I'm having fun, i think I'm dumb,or maybe just happy"-dumb by nirvana
reflecting on those words.. what is the curious case of the curious case of Benjamin button? ageing backwards.. couldn't that have been the best thing ever!
like can u imagine a child.. (with no worries, with zero knowledge of whats around you..oblivious to pain..oblivious to how to react to pain..) wont that be the best thing ever? and i mean.... like every day, your worries lessen.. you die an awesomely peaceful death.. as a baby..
its like.. knowing everything and dying without knowing anything..
if only humans were generated to live and function like that... wouldn't our world be a heaven, but of course earth has become a big science experiment.. an experiment of the diversity of human beings.. how they loathe and despise each other and how they react to being despised.. its like we are god's little instruments...
like in watchmen.. how Dr Manhattan, he knows too much and hence becomes disinterested in human affairs.. doesn't that symbolize how Buddha gained enlightenment and left the planet for the greater good. because he knew too much, because he would be of great danger. he would be a threat for others. just like how dr manhattan was a threat to the soviets in the 1980s.. (see the resemblance) so isn't it a blessing to be misunderstood, to be a dumbass..rather than be overestimated by others, posing as a threat. to age backwards is its equivalent.
perhaps, an experiment to further enhance us and bring forth a better world?
so was it just me.. or did the whole trailer of the curious case of Benjamin button alone make you ponder about the nature of reality?
Xx_Blogged at_xX
3:12 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
"A simple prop to occupy my time This one goes out to the one I love " the one i love-REM
been long long time since i posted. loads have happened. but too much to mention. being a psl was fun. sad that the actual peer support experience/journey has ended.. but im doing my best to prolong it. so i peered with jen u and qing ke.. peering 103 group 2 and they were a very colourful batch..althought very playful at times.. haha but thats the whole idea of fun!
campfire was a blast too.
photos can be found on facebook.
so moving on with life.. sis is back from chennai.. told us a hell load of interesting shit.. but what really made my day was what my bro said..
"people who pay attention to details.are considered gay by many people"..
how far do i agree with this?
well i didnt agree with it until heard my bro's examples...bro goes up to a guy an says.."hey! nice shoes u have!"..deosn't that sound gay to you somehow? nevertheless..i dont pay attention to details too much.. but i think its coz paying attention to details mean you are very sensitive..and women are considered sensitive... so..there u go.
another thing that has caught my attention so far..has been the idea of love.. ever since my first lit lesson with mrs ang. statement:love is blind?
scientifically, people who are in love are almost the same as people with obsessive compulsive disorder.. true? I Believe so.. the whole idea of the better half? i mean just imagine.. all the while..u think of marrying someone smoking hot..and you're this sexually driven person.. and then once you hit 28, you see this girl who isnt the most prettiest of em all..and it strikes you. And 20 years down the road, with 2 other children you ponder to youserlf.. "what the fuck happened?" ..and then as you pray and reflect.. you find out..what happened to you then was love.. and now its the journey of being loved. And you realise, sometimes your journey of being in love. is it greater than or equal to marriage? the significance of marriage is merely (in my opinion) the "granted permission" and "celebration" of being in love (true love) celebrate it with pride and dignity..and to let the whole world know. But a marriage can be broken.. but love cannot.
SO, is being in love at the age of 14 love? or lust?
The one i love-REM
Xx_Blogged at_xX
12:37 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
dear (the person who last left a comment on your journal)
I don't really know how to tell you this, but (1). I think I realized it (2) (3) and I saw you (4) (5). I'm sure you're (6) enough to understand (7). I'm returning (8) to you, but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You should also know that I (10) (11).___12___, -Your name-
1. What's the color of your shirt? Blue - Our romance is over Red - Our affair is over White - i'll join the monastery Black - I dislike you Green - Our horoscope doesn't match Grey - You're a pervert Yellow - I'm selling myself Pink - Your nostrils are insulting (x) Brown - The mafia wants you No shirt - You're a loser Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month? January - That night February - Last year March - When your dwarf bit me April - When I tripped on sesame seeds May - First of May (x) June - When you put cuffs on me July - When I threw up August - When I saw the shrunken head September - When we skinny dipped October - When I quoted Santa November - When your dog ran amok December - When i changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer? Tacos - In your apartment Pizza - In your camping car Pasta - Outside of Chicago Hamburgers - Under the bus Salad - As you ate enchilada Chicken - In your closet Kabab - With Paris Hilton Fish - In women's clothing Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation Lasagna - At the mental hospital Hot dog - Under a state of trance None of the above - With George Bush and his wife (x)
4. What's the color of your socks? Yellow - Hit on Red - Insult Black - Ignore Blue - Knock out Purple - Pour syrup on White - Carve your initials into Grey - Pull the clothes off (x) Brown - Put leeches on Orange - Castrate Pink - Pull the toupee off Barefoot - Sit on Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear? Black - My best friend White - My father Grey - Bill Clinton (x) Brown - My fart balloon Purple - My mustard soufflé Red - Donald Duck Blue - My avocado plant Yellow - My penpal in Ghana Orange - My Kid Rock-collection Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper None - My John F. Kennedy-statue Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV? Scrubs - Man O.C. - Emotional One Tree Hill - Open Heroes - Frostbitten Lost - High House - Scarred Simpsons - Cowardly The news - Mongolic Idol - Masochistic Family Guy - Senile (x) Top Model - Middle-class None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now? Happy - How awful I've felt Sad - How boring you are Bored - That Santa doesn't exist(x) Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage Depressed - That we're cousins Excited - That there is no solution to this. Nervous - The middle-east Worried - That your Honda sucks Apathetic - That I did a sex-change Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men Overjoyous - That I'm open Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom? White - Your ring Yellow - Your love letters Red - Your Darth Vader-poster Black - Your tame stone Blue - The couch cushions Green - The pictures from LA (x) Orange - Your false teeth Brown - Your contact book Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs Purple - Your old lottery coupons Pink - The cut toenails Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name? A/B - Your photo C/D - The oil stocks E/F - Your neighbour Martin G/H - My virginity I/J - The results of your blood-sample K/L - Your left ear M/N - Your suicide note O/P - My common sense Q/R - Your mom S/T - Your collection of butterflies (x) U/V - Your criminal record W/X - David's tricot outfits Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name? A/B - Always will remember C/D - Never will forget E/F - Always wanted to break G/H - Never openly mocked I/J - Always have felt dirty before K/L - Will tell the authorities about M/N - Told in my confession today about O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about (x) S/T - Get sick when I think of U/V - Always will try to forget W/X - Am better off without Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink? Water- Our friendship Beer - Senility Soft drink - A new life as a clone Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo Milk - The apartment building Wine - Cocaine abuse Cider - A passionate interest for mice Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations Mineral water - Embarrassing rash Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism (X) Whisky - To ruin the second world war Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation? Thailand - Warm regards USA - Best regards England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail Spain - Go and drown yourself China - Disgusting regards Germany - With ease Japan - Go burn Greece - Your everlasting enemy Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard Egypt - Fuck off now (x) France - In pain Other - Greetings to your freaky family
Dear Ahmad:
I don't really know how to tell you this, but your nostrils are insulting. I think I realized it first may with george bush and his wife and I saw you pull the clothes off bill clinton. I'm sure you're senile enough to understand that santa doesn't exist. I'm returning the pictures from LA to you, but I'll keep your collection of butterflies as a memory. You should also know that I told my psychiatrist about eggplant fetishism. Fuck off now! -kumarr-
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:32 AM
Rule #1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Rule #2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people
1. Do you have secrets? i think.
2. Would you fall in love with a girl younger than you? why not?
3. Do you enjoy going to school? hmm..yes.. but i hate math
4. What will you do with a billion dollars? go watch all the best gigs in the world...and lose my virginity in style..;D
5. Would you fall in love with your best friend? Nope.. not gay.. but even if it was a
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone, or being loved by someone? i think being loved by someone is more blessed...coz tts something tt you cant avoid.
7. List out your 15 favourite songs wah.. i got so many leh..ill list out my 15 fav bands instead;beatles,rhcp,oasis,smashing pumpkins,dream theater,rush,led zeppelin,jimi hendrix,death cab for cutie,the who,soundgarden,stone temple pilots,bob dylan,pink floyd,nirvana (i like alot more..too)
8. What is your favourite food? now..i like japanese food.. (i suddenly have a craving for unagi rice!)
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? having some of the best teachers to teach 324
10. What makes you angry? people who think jonas brothers is the best band to ever reign the planet, and "why the hell does oasis hate man u? and whats so awesome about man city?"
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? i wont say soemthing so shrewd like.. by looking at a mirror..but err..maybe (hmm..24...years old..what would i do?) i still have no idea..
12. Who is currently the most important people to you? My family and friends.DUH!
13. What are the most important things in life? open sexuality,awesome music and good company.
14. Single or attached? paper clipped
15. What are your favourite colours? white,blue and a certain green i cant rmbr..
16. Would you give all in a relationship? yeap. taht would be my new important thing, if i were to ever have one
17. If you fall in love with two people, who would you pick? you can never fall in love with two people, maybe 2 people who could fall in love with you..but no..its impossible to fall in "TRUE LOVE" with 2 people.. love is only for one person.. and love is it depends on where fate/destiny take u.. if you're meant to're meant to be
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done? not at the time being.. but once my soul meets body..i will
19. What do you really want now? to chat with someone.. (IM FEAKING BORED!)
20. Five people that i have tagged:
screw u
Xx_Blogged at_xX
4:13 AM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS! 4. Tag 10 or more friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got it from.
IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? gimme shelter-rolling stones
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? vasoline-stone temple pilots
HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? achilles last stand-led zeppelin (fullfilled?)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? outshine-soundgarden (to outshine others..nah..)
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? desolation row-bob dylan
WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? fell in love with a girl-white stripes
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS? panic attack-dream theater (lol..troublesome?)
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? i walk beside you-dream theater (perhaps?)
WHAT IS 2+2? crazy little thing called love-queen
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? sunshine of your love-cream
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? masterplan-oasis (has everything?)
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? bohemian rhapsody-queen
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP dr feelgood-motley crue (drug smuggler?)
WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? naked in the rain-red hot chili peppers (hahaha!)
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? a song to sing whem im lonley-john frusciante (isolated?)
WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? fool in the rain-led zeppelin
WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? original fire-audioslave
WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? ava adore-smashing pumpkins (looking at other ppl in awe?)
WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? sex type thing-stone temple pilots ..(omg...! AIDS???!)
HOW WILL YOU DIE? death of an interior decorator-death cab for cutie..(hmm.)
WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? she's electric-oasis
WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? photograph-def leppard
WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? more than a feeling-boston.. (snigger..)
WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? yellow-coldplay (to chinese???WTF?)
WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? black dog-led zeppelin (iim not scared of dogs..unlessits the dog at mount rosie..yah.. kenna injured by tt dog)
DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? wish you were here-pink floyd
WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? please please me (twist and shout)-beatles (indeed...friday..twisting like mad)
WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? ill be back-beatles
Xx_Blogged at_xX
8:27 AM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
im very happy with out song .. (i thin finalised.. ) only by dillon and i though.. for rueben and ruth and maybe evn jack.. not bassline yet..but everything else is set.. i call it the big joke..
see if you could be a digger and find out why its a big joke..
a world of sheets a bell at hand chose your walkway she's your man there is a world at hand
sing me songs with trees and leaves tell me tales of make belief there is a world at hand
chorus: tears that never wash away what words can make you say and lives that seem so tame just never clings but fade as signs just come and walk by you think if you could pay the life that's worth your fame could it ever be the same of well, you've found your face
what you say in a world of faith break the chains they're all the same some day you'll find
see them small you'll look real tall see to me we'll make you see some day you'll find
tears that never wash away what words can make you say and lives that seem so tame just never clings but fade as signs just come and walk by you think if you could pay the life that's worth your fame could it ever be the same of well, you've found your face
guitar solo 1/2 and 3
break (soft) a jade of glass they're pretty sharp what's your class as sweet as harp some day you'll find
you've found it all now flap your wings you think and crawl oh what a fling some day you'll find
(break silence of break with overdrive) tears that never wash away what words can make you say and lives that seem so tame just never clings but fade as signs just come and walk by you think if you could pay the life that's worth your fame could it ever be the same of well, you've found your face
outro.. end (harmonica with overdrive soloish..)
Xx_Blogged at_xX
5:41 AM
Read till you rot! just kidding :P:)
About Me
Kumarr,born in 9 may 1994 SJI.Hockey.Drummer.
Wicked Tunes;
br> delete this if u dont want it.
\PSl is fun, prefects are dumb..and i love making lameass puns!. :)